Honey's Characters!

I keep getting more characters by the week help /j
Huge WIP!

Let me know if you think any information may be inaccurate, as this was slightly rushed.
My missing and very, very unused/shelved characters are not on here. They'll be added if they're used more.


She/he/they • ThunderClan • Warrior • July 17, 2024

Current Name: Honeypetal
Other Names, if any: Honeykit, Honeypaw
Age (in moons): 24 moons (as of October 12, 2024)
Gender: Genderfluid
Sexual Orientation: Undecided
Creation Date: July 17, 2024

Residential Information

Current Affiliation/Clan: ThunderClan
Former Affiliation/Clan, if any: N/A
Rank: Warrior
Mentor(s): N/A; previous mentor unknown
Apprentice(s): N/A

Interpersonal Connections

Father(s): Nightwhisper
Mother (s): Weepingwillow
Sibling(s): Greykit, Emberkit, Skykit, Cinderkit, Snakepelt
Offspring: N/A
Best Friend(s): Strawberryfur
Friend(s): ???
Neutral: ???
Acquaintance(s): ???
Enemies: N/A
Crush: N/A
Significant Other: N/A


Mental Age: 30-ish moons
Psychiatric Complications: Mild ADHD, possible C-PTSD
Phobias: Gelotophobia, Pathophobia, Thanatophobia, Athazagoraphobia, Catagelophobia, Atelophonia, Algophobia, Toxiphobia
Outlook: Mostly pessimistic but sometimes has a bit of optimism
Responsibility: Quite responsible
Cleanliness: Decently organized and clean
Generosity: Incredibly generous; can and will sacrifice greatly for others
Manners: Has good manners; refers to their parents as "mother" and "father", "ma'am" and "sir", etcetera
Bravery: Somewhat brave but can be scared by many things
More Logical or More Emotional?: Emotional
Favorite Season: Leaffall
Favorite Food(s): Vole
Worst Nightmare: Being known as a disappointment by his Clan
Deepest Darkest Secret: Doesn't have many secrets, but doesn't want anyone to know that part of her was slightly salty since she didn't get to name one of her younger siblings
Theme Song(s): Turning Out by AJR


Place of Birth: ThunderClan Nursery
Date of Birth: ???
Former rank(s): Kit, Apprentice
Beliefs: Believes in StarClan but doesn't always devote much time or thoughts to them

Physical Traits

Fur Color(s): Light orange, brown
Fur Texture: Soft
Fur Length: Long
Markings: Stripes
Eye Color: Blue
Height: Average
Voice: Sapphire from Steven Universe
Scent: Sweet vanilla
Scars / Deformities: 2 muzzle scars, neck scar, tail scar, right hind leg scars, torn left ear.
Diseases / Conditions: N/A

Header code

[shadow="0.5"][CENTER][SIZE="5"]╔═════ ≪ °❈° ≫ ═════╗[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]A battle-scarred light orange cat with brown tabby stripes and blue eyes.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="4"]♪ [b]Honeypetal[/b] ♪[/SIZE]
[I]She/he/they[/I] [B]•[/B] [I]ThunderClan[/I] [B]•[/B] [I]Warrior[/I] [B]•[/B] [I]24 moons[/I]
[SIZE="1"][I]❝ This is all my fault. Everyone I love is disappearing and I'm next, I'd deserve that too. ❞[/I][/SIZE]
[SIZE="5"]╚═════ ≪ °❈° ≫ ═════╝[/SIZE][/shadow][/center]

First post



He/him • ShadowClan • Warrior • September 19, 2024

Current Name: Darkice
Other Names, if any: Darkkit, Darkpaw
Age (in moons): 42 moons (as of October 12, 2024)
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Aroace
Creation Date: September 19, 2024

Residential Information

Current Affiliation/Clan: ShadowClan
Former Affiliation/Clan, if any: N/A
Rank: Warrior
Mentor(s): N/A; previous mentor unknown
Apprentice(s): Echopaw

Interpersonal Connections

Father(s): Dragon
Mother (s): ???
Sibling(s): N/A
Offspring: N/A
Best Friend(s): N/A
Friend(s): ???
Neutral: ???
Acquaintance(s): ???
Enemies: N/A
Crush: N/A
Significant Other: N/A


Mental Age: 50 moons
Psychiatric Complications: C-PTSD
Outlook: Pessimistic, almost always
Responsibility: Very responsible; does a good job remembering things most of the time
Cleanliness: Very clean and as organized as physically possible
Generosity: Can be generous in some situations, but usually in beneficial ways; will fight and die for his Clan but probably would not risk much for one or a few cats
Manners: Has great manners but does make rude comments sometimes, never disrespects or disobeys high ranks
Bravery: Very brave, does things even if he is scared deep down
More Logical or More Emotional?: Logical
Favorite Season: Newleaf
Favorite Food(s): Mouse
Worst Nightmare: His father returning
Deepest Darkest Secret: He secretly misses his mother, but still refuses to talk to her willingly
Theme Song(s): Devil Town by Cavetown, Boy In The Bubble by Alec Benjamin, Seventeen by MARINA, Are You Satisfied? by MARINA, Cigarette Daydream by Cage The Elephant, Aromantic Moodboard by Maxwell Anthony, Two Birds by Regina Spektor, Meteor Shower by Cavetown

Header code

[SHADOW=0.7][CENTER][SIZE="5"]╔═════ ≪ °❈° ≫ ═════╗[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]A large, dark gray tom with white-tipped ears, paws, face, and tail and amber eyes.[/SIZE]
Agatha Kitty - [color=lime]Active[/color]
[SIZE="4"]❆ [b]Darkice[/b] ❆[/SIZE]
[I]He/him[/I] [B]•[/B] [I]ShadowClan[/I] [B]•[/B] [I]Warrior[/I] [B]•[/B] [I]42 moons[/I]
[SIZE="1"][I]❝ Who care what happens to me? If my Clan is happy, that's all I want. ❞[/I][/SIZE]
[SIZE="5"]╚═════ ≪ °❈° ≫ ═════╝[/SIZE][/CENTER][/shadow]

Header code

[FONT="Georgia"][CENTER][SIZE="7"]┌─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───┐[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]large and fluffy bluish gray tom with dark gray stripes and ear tufts. has a scar across his face and chest.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="5"][B]✩ Miresong ✩[/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE="3"]He/him [B]|[/B] Trans [B]|[/B] Elder [B]|[/B] 87 moons [B]|[/B] RC[/SIZE]
❝ [I]The wise storyteller[/I] ❞
[SIZE="7"]└─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───┘[/SIZE][/CENTER]

Header code

[SIZE="1"]windclan warrior[/SIZE]
❝ if i have to be [I]mean[/I] to fit in, is it really worth it? ❞
it/its | agender | 34 moons
[SIZE="1"]a reddish orange cat with reddish brown splotches and yellow-orange eyes.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][B][U]Purrks[/U]:[/B] Heightened Perception (Hearing)[/SIZE][/CENTER][/shadow]